Friday, January 12, 2007

Fabulous Venue

Professional Education and Conference Center
at Kent State Stark in Canton, Ohio

Five star hotels have absolutely nothing on this facility. I know, I have held events around the country, at some great resorts. But the Financial Analysis workshop that I organized here in June 2005 for Dr. Howard Meeks, with keynote by Dan Hanlon, was a success as much for the venue as the exceptional material presented.

If you notice the venue, it is usually a bad thing. The environment needs to be conducive without taking center stage. That is exactly what Doug and the team at conference center provide. In fact, here is their description of our meeting room:


Special tiered design allows for a high-level of interactivity among participants in an intimate setting with the latest technology. The Hoover·Maytag Seminar Room is patterned after a similar facility in the Steinberg Center at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Although this room can accommodate up to 56 participants, it is arranged in an intimate setting. The seminar room has a built-in television monitor and computer connections to allow participants to use the latest in computer-based presentation technology. This room also has telecommunications access and features a ceiling-mounted video projector, as well as internal connections to the Center's television network.

You can even take a virtual tour by clicking on the
photo of the meeting room!

For those flying or driving to our event, we can recommend the Holiday Inn.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Who What When Where

  • Northeast Ohio's First Purple Curve Workshop
  • Friday, March 30, 2007
  • 7:45am to 12noon
  • Keynote by Ron McDaniel, Buzz Guru
  • Workshop led by Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
  • Stark Campus of Kent State; Conference Center
  • Canton, Ohio
  • Register Securely via CCnow

Who should Attend?

Only those seeking to jumpstart their organizations, landing lightyears ahead of the competition, should attend!

* Anyone and everyone wanting more success should attend
* Anyone looking for a proven system of accomplishing results
* Dreamers that never seem to stay with the dream, once the hard work begins

Based on Eli Goldratt's Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Boyd's OODA Loop (as framed by H. William Dettmer in his best seller, Strategic Navigation), the Purple Curve Effect is profound.

It is the result of applying leverage on the weakest link, and only the weakest link.

This workshop will help you select the appropriate tool for the job at hand.

Still not sure? Call SKI direct, today: 330-432-3533


"Inspired, creative, passionate problem solving skills have never been more important for business leaders!"
--Jeff "SKI" Kinsey

Welcome to the first North East Ohio Purple Curve Workshop. It is my belief that you will discover several secrets today that will unlock most any future that you can imagine!

You will gain first hand experience with proven models of throughput, methods that do not require high order math skills. Learn how to exploit Eliyahu M. Goldratt's "P&Q Example" with real life twists that drive home this simple exercise.

First, however, be inspired by Ron McDaniel, the father of Buzzoodle, thee Buzz Marketing guru from Northeast Ohio. This is the perfect keynote speaker to launch our morning of exploration of the proven principles of throughput.

Limited Seating. Register quickly!

Meeting Agenda

Agenda for Purple Curve Workshop
  • 07:30 - Doors Open & Registration
  • 07:55 - Take your seats
  • 08:00 - Ron McDaniel, Keynote Speaker
    Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing

  • 09:00 - A word from our Sponsors
  • 09:05 - Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Author & Educator
    Applying Common Sense :: Purple Curve Effect

  • 10:30 - Break
  • 10:40 - Conclusion from SKI
    Applying Common Sense :: Purple Curve Effect

  • 11:00 - Hands on :: Solving YOUR challenges
  • 12:00 - DISMISSAL

Main Event

based on the book: Purple Curve Effect

Presented by Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
Two segments totaling 3 hours

Are there short-cuts to throughput?

  • SKI's Seven Simple Strategies
  • Thirteen Tenets of Common Sense
  • Thirteen Purple Curve Insights

Why the Hands-on learning approach for this workshop?

  • A process or framework is presented for making choices.
  • The method for applying the process is shown by using simple examples.
  • The workshop is a hands-on process using the included workbook.

What are the Prerequisites?

  • Willingness to learn.
  • Basic Arithmetic skills.
  • A real life challenge to be met (e.g. come with a problem you can share -- but only if you are serious about making progress!)

What are the Learning Points?

  • If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count!
  • Deming taught that success or failure, is 94% the result of system!
  • There is a better approach, and you can learn it, and apply it!

Is there a next step?

Ron McDaniel

Ron McDaniel, Author and Buzz Guru

Ron McDaniel has helped companies stand out and create a buzz for years. He just published his book, Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing, which shows small and medium businesses how to create buzz, get more referrals and grow their organization in as little as 5 minutes per day. He is a northeast Ohio entrepreneur, speaker, author and father of two.

Ron will give the Keynote speech at 8:00am sharp!